The Farmer’s Table (La table du fermier)
Jean-Martin Fortier is pursuing his dream of food sovereignty on the lands of Old Mill in Stanbridge East. His goal is to create a local farming laboratory that would fully supply the farm table he operates there throughout the year.
With the participation of
Jean-Martin Fortier
Éric Gendron
Philippe Tapp
Caroline Longpré
Rolande Lagacé Ladure
François Tremblay
Jeanne Santoire-Joset
Émilie Blondeau
Christof Goettke
Cheryl Johnson
Charles-Antoine Crête
Frédéric Ouellet-Lacroix
Sophie Bélair Hamel
Emmanuel Langevin
Charles Provost
Mia Lépine
Antoine Breton
François Tremblay
Suzanne Dubé
Rosaire Robitaille
Samuel Schmidt
Original idea
Jean-Martin Fortier
Christine Doyon
Postproduction Director
Sasha Campeau
Line producers
Isabelle Panet-Raymond
Vicky Talbot
Associated production
Marikym Hervieux
Development direction
Raphaël Martin
Content producer
Nadia Ruel
Nadia Ruel
Ian Quenneville
Executive producers
Patricia Blais
Monique Lamoureux
Ian Quenneville