The Baby Black Market (Le berceau des anges : le documentaire)
$ 1,800 to $ 15,000. This is the price paid for Quebec-born babies from “unwed mothers” in the 50s. At the time, more than 1 000 newborns were sold here and abroad. A clandestine traffic estimated between 3 and 5 million. The Baby Black Market (Le berceau des anges : le documentaire) is a shocking and touching documentary relating the historical context of that period and explaining how secrecy and lies allowed the development of a sordid trade. Witnesses of that time were traced, babies of this black market, which are now in their sixties. They tell their stories.
Guylaine Tremblay
Monique Fournier
Jean Bourbonnais
Sylvie Roy, Luc Wiseman
Avanti Ciné Vidéo